Events for life sciences students and doctoral candidates
Here you can find an overview of current events at our locations as well as other digital offers centered around the topics of careers, career prospects and studying in the life sciences.
Discover your career opportunities and your potential in the life sciences!
German-wide calendar of events
You can use the search function to filter for current events in your city, specific events (e.g. workshop, lecture, career fair, excursion) or online events using the keyword "online". In the mobile view, you can access the search by clicking on "Vollständiger Kalender" at the bottom right.
Digital offers for career orientation
In addition to company presentations, job discussions, excursions, and career fairs, we offer a variety of digital resources that enable you to explore your career options at any time. Discover the life sciences career blog, the ScieMatch portal, and our ScieGuides from the comfort of your home.
Career matching
Identify not only the appropriate career path for yourself but also the ideal potential employers.
- Online self-test
- Can be used anytime and anywhere
- Direct contact with employers
Learn more about ScieMatch
A brochure providing details about institutes and research facilities in the field of life sciences.
- Find Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD positions
- Overview of working groups
- Specifically for your location
Career blog
Get valuable first-hand tips for your career planning from our network – from students, alumni and partners.
- Career prospects and career tips
- Readable at any time and anywhere
- First-hand experience
Learn more about the career blog
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