Support us
Be the key to a successful future! With your donation, you enable us to continue the voluntary work of btS - Life Sciences Studierendeninitiative e.V. and give students exactly what they need for their career start: orientation, inspiration and support. Whether small or large - every contribution counts and makes a real difference. Help us to open the doors to the professional world for young people and accompany them on their way!
Thank you for your support!
Donations by bank transfer
Our donation account:
Bank: Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE08370700600194010516
Purpose: Donation for the btS
Note: The QR code can only be scanned using a banking app.
Other ways to donate
There are many ways to support us. In addition to the classic bank transfer, we also offer you the option of sending us your donation easily and securely via PayPal.
Click here or scan the QR code.